Saturday, August 1, 2015

Thermal Baths And Natural Sauna At The Foot Of The Mountain

Banda Aceh Thermal Baths

For those of you who love to soak in hot water, I recommend following a good place and a good and suitable for anyone. This place can you take about an hour's drive from the city of Banda Aceh. Thermal Baths is located in the village of Ie Suum, Mesjid Raya subdistrict, Aceh Besar. The hot water comes from Mount Selawah are still active today. And the hot water discharge point is located at the foot of the mountain gold, based on my observations while in the area, hot springs reaching temperatures of 90 degrees Celsius, because of the high temperature many visitors who poach eggs there.

In addition, the sulfur content in hot water is very good for skin health. Sulfur can heal scars and soften the skin. In this place there is also a natural sauna that can be used by visitors. Usually they use the natural sauna in the evening, there is also a sauna in the bed until dawn. I am sure you will not regret if visit here.

The place is divided into three swimming pools, a first for women, two for men and the third for children. Every year this attraction undergone many changes. This change aims to increase visitors to this place and became a tourist attraction that is in great demand, especially in Aceh and in Indonesia generally.

3 komentar

cool tuh thermal baths , its admin 've tried there yet ?