Monday, July 27, 2015

Beauty Of The River Which Are Visited In Bireuen

The town is located in the east of Indonesia this has many tourist attractions, such as the Krueng simpoe and calculi Iliek. The second attraction is much visited by local and foreign tourists. Usually visitors come on Holiday.

    krueng simpoe

Attractions Krueng Simpo is a natural spring located in District July within 18 kilometers from the city center Bireuen. To get into this attraction you only need to pay a parking fee of transport used. Visitors who came diverse as lovers to families who spends his time off here.
Attractions Krueng Simpo is contained river rocks, with clear water, and the edge of the river there is a view of a rubber plantation and palm oil. A lot of them who come here to take a photo.

Attractions Krueng simpoe were right near the highway Takengon-Bireuen, because of its strategic location makes this attraction many visitors who stop when tired on the way. This attraction also be eye pencharian for communities around the river. Society is very grateful for this attraction, because it can help improve their economies. Based on interviews with one of the traders, they are expecting these places continue to open and further developed by the government to be more crowded.

    batee iliek

Furthermore, natural bath Bate Iliek Samalanga located in the district within 50 kilometers of the town of Bireuen, directly adjacent to the district of Pidie Jaya. Just as attractions Krueng Simpoe, Attractions Betee Iliek also be near the highway so many visitors who stop here both local visitors and outside the region. Natural bath Batee Iliek advanced because there are full facilities such as restaurants and other water facilities. As we passed the bridge you will see a visitor who was in the shower just below the bridge.